Sunday, October 27, 2013


In honor of this being our 300th post, I'll keep it short and sweet.
We have West Side Children!!! They are definitely their daddies kids.
I was raised on the east side, where the sun shines, and it's warm.

My sister and I would lay out.....because it recharges our battery!!!

 We go to the lake, because it's hot, and the sun is shining, and the lake is cold and feels good!
My Nephew T. We're buds.

The sun makes me happy.
It's like a hug from my Heavenly Father.

We live on the West side. All of our kids have been born and raised on the West side.
They do not share the same infatuation I have with the sun shine.
They share the same "let's play hide and seek, you just don't come find me" relationship that their father has with the sun.

At least we can agree on one thing....

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