Wednesday, September 16, 2009

10 Days...REALLY?!

Part 1
Our house is about an hour away from us in Tumwater. So we decided that to save on commute time, gas and build time, we are moving closer! After a VERY hectic time finding an apartment, we finally found one! It's down stairs (YAY) And only 15-20 mins from the property! It's right between the house and work so Greg can go out and build in the morning and then stop by on his way home and shower and change for work without having to drive insanely out of the way (or right past work for that matter). We looked at it last week and decided to take it. so we put down the deposit/holding fee and we get to move in the 26th!! Which means I...WE now have 10 days to finish packing and clean!! I thought we were about 1/2 way done....until I realized we had to be out in 10 days! Now I'm going a bit crazy and am kind of wishing the boys had spent THIS week at my moms and not last! *Thanks Mom for taking the boys for week so we could find a place and do all our fun stuff* which leads to
Part 2
This past week the boys were at my moms. She SOOO Graciously took them so that Greg and I could get some work done on the property and do some other Super Fun stuff.
For my Birthday Greg bought me Jason Aldean Tickets! He was at the Puyallup Fair this past Friday. So while the boys were having fun with Nana and Papa, Greg and I found an apartment, went to my very first concert (which was AWESOME), and then went up to Bellingham for Greg's cousin's wedding (which was amazing) It was nice to have time with just the 2 of us, since Greg had the week off. They had lots of fun adventures! Isaac and Gary are now both fearless when it comes to the dogs! Before, both would scream and cry if they even came near them. and now Isaac goes out to play with them and Gary loves and hugs and tugs on them! They are such good dogs to be so patient to put up with a baby pulling at their ears, tails, and hair! Kelly took Isaac to the car show and Isaac hasn't stopped talking about it. Every time we get in the car he says "YAY!! Car Show!!!!!" and then gets mad when i remind him that we're goin to the store...or home...or somewhere besides the car show. Gary got stung by a bee on his lip so his it was all swollen for a good 12 hrs. Took it like a champ though, and now we know he's not allergic! Gary also learned how to go down the stairs so now it's a fun game to go up and down stairs! A good time was had by all and everyone came home Safe and Sound!! So Thank You Mom and Dad for allowing my tornado children invade your house for a whole week!! You are the best!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't stress too much! We have a couple of weeks until we move, and we have done absolutely no packing. We need to work on that...