*Not only should you stock up on Underwear, you should stock up on white towels (because you can bleach them) and spot carpet cleaner!
*Make sure you have ENOUGH "cool" Stickers for their potty chart. This way you don't end up using your cutesy scrapbook baby stickers (unless they like putting baby feet in pastel colors on their chart, which Bubba does)
*Dollar store items are PERFECT for potty training Prizes. Don't think you have to spend a lot of money on these! Granted they're super cheap toys, but kids don't care!
*They are called prizes not treats. Treats imply candy.
*Unless you want to take you're newly potty training child to the Dollar Store stock up on said prizes BEFORE you begin!
*It's annoying, irritating, frustrating, maddening, and every other synonym for Angering that you can think of!
*Get one of those little potty chairs!!!!!!! you could get by with a potty seat that sits on the big toilet but it's 10x more frustrating that way.
*It's OK if the "3 day method" takes all week!
*Do the stupid potty victory dance after every time! Because it'll totally make your day when your 2 little boys do a victory dance when YOU'RE done going potty!!
Can you guess what we're doing this week?!
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