Monday, March 12, 2012

Birthday Boy!

Oh yah! We've had a Birthday, shout HOORAY!

Ace, Bubba, Big Brother, Isaac. Is. 5!!!!
You can't really tell here but he is covered in mud, sitting in the basket of clean laundry. why? Because he's 5! That's why!

When asked what kind of cake wanted he said "a square green tie-dye cake"
You got it!

and he wanted everything GREEN!!!!

We did a "High five for 5" theme so of course we had to make hand masks!
Isaac Aka "Birthday Boy"




Makayla and Greg
We bought green hair for our family to wear but Greg was the only one who didn't chicken out when the party started! Good job hunny! That's why I love you!



After our masks we let the kids play for a bit.
We had a balloon room

The Play room
-which by the end of the party was worse than it is here-

The reading corner

The craft table

and then my camera died!! =( So I don't have any pictures of presents or the "put the lid on the play-doh can" game we played, or....wait *realizing I put batteries in our old camera, now where is it?*pause*

So while my camera battery was charging, we used the boys (My old camera) camera for some pics.

Here is the Birthday boy waiting for his Birthday song.

Most everyone enjoying the cake and ice cream

Wat was left of the green tie-dye cake
Annnnnd then THAT camera's batteries died!!!

However, my camera has charged a bit.
This is what Gary and I got Isaac for his birthday. A kid sized cleaning set. Broom and dust pan, mop and bucket, dust mop....Cool!

This was Ashley pretty much the whole party. Sleeping, with someone holding her!

Isaac also got a Model car to do with his Dad
He got a lot of books! Which he's so excited about!
A hot wheel track which has found a very nice home attached to the window sill in the play room.
A game "What's in Ned's Head" Which if you don't have GO GET IT NOW!!! It's so cool!!
He got a transformer which hasn't left his side
He got some new monster trucks!
It was a great birthday and he had a great time at his party! Thanks to everyone who came!
And for those who were wondering, yes, he, Gary and his cousin Alex were the only boys at his party!

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