Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fun pictures

Here is some fun things that have been happening at our house lately.

Greg gave Ashley a tiny taste of chocolate ice cream a couple weeks ago and later that week I was having myself some of the yummyness and I looked up to see this look.
Wow baby girl...WOW!

We bought the boys a sing along dinosaur book and they LOVE it!! I put it on while making dinner the other day and turned around to see that they were sitting on the floor reading and singing to their sister. So sweet!

I was cleaning the house and kept hearing the water turn on and off so I went in to the bathroom to see what was going on.  Gary was cleaning the bathroom!!  He cleaned off the counter (and put everything away in the right place), wiped it off, wiped the floor, and has started cleaning the toilet when I told him that he had done enough!

We got this clean up set for Isaac for his birthday and he uses it almost daily!
He decided to mop for me.
I love how helpful my kids are!

Ashely mesmerized by the animals

Isaac's school put on a Father's day lunch and they got to show off some of what they do at school.

This makes me excited for summer!
Our neighborhood ROCKS!

It was so warm on Saturday day (like 55, which when it's been -1billion degrees for the past 10 yrs, that's warm) so we busted out our shorts, tank tops and set up an obstacle course for the boys.

Annnnnnd THIS is what happened when Mommy forgets that a certain someone is allergic to the ONLY sunscreen that his brother is NOT allergic too!
Poor Gary looks like he was in a bar fight!

I HAD to order this baseball bow from a friend.
of course I ordered 2 more in appropriate Tacoma Rainier's and Seattle Mariner's colors from another friend (they should be here after Easter)

Ashley is such an amazing sleeper! She will be 4 months on the first of April and is already sleeping through the night 5/7 nights! I can even put her in bed wide awake and as long as she has a cozy blanket wrapped up tight around her, she'll go to sleep!

Gary trying on Ashley's bow

Isaac filled up his reading sticker chart at pre-school!
He gets a sticker when he's read a book twice. The last book he brought home is in the 1st Grade reading level series!!

And that's a taste of what's been happening in our neck of the woods!

Happy Spring!!

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