Wednesday, September 24, 2008


What's new with me?! We blessed Gary. and my mom, dad, brother and aunt came. Greg's parents (who live 1/2 a mile from us), sister and her family from Maple Vally, and grandparents from Utah were there. We took some really nice pictures and when we were done, I went with my parents and I spent a very nice week at my mom's in Walla Walla. While I was there My older sister Sejena came up from La Grande with her son Ewan who's 5 and just started kindergarten. It was fun to have everyone home. My little sister and her family live with my parents. My brother is home from school for a bit. And then I took the boys and went. It was a bit of a reunion. It was so much fun to watch the boys play with each other. While we were there we got pics taken with the boys in matching shirts. So Cute! After a week Greg took a couple days off work and came down and we went up to Spokane to see his other grandparents so they could see the boys. On the way up to Spokane Isaac threw up 5 or 6 times. It's a 3 hr. drive and he thew up the whole time! It seemed like every 1/2 hr we were pulling over to change his shirt and clean him up. We were finally able to stop and let him get out for a bit, let him eat something and stop moving. That all seemed to help because he was just fine for the rest of the day. We stayed at a hotel in Spokane (Yay for employee discounts) and took the boys swimming. We came home the next day and Greg and I had fun day dreaming about what we would do with an unlimited amount of money. It was a really fun trip and a very relaxing week!

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