Wednesday, October 15, 2008

YAY! Surgery!!

I am going in next Tuesday (Oct 21) to get my Gallbladder removed!
How's that for an opener! When I was 6 months pregnant with Gary I started getting horrible stomach aches! Picture this if you will, someone, anyone, for whatever reason, walks up to you and just takes one, a punch that is, right into your stomach! I'm not talking about your belly button stomach, I'm talking right under your breastbone, right beneath your sternum, where your stomach actually is. It hurts right? Maybe it's hard to breath, well of course it's hard to breath you just got punched in the stomach dork! Can't really do anything but buckle over?! Of course! Well, once a month I would, for lack of a better term, get punched in the stomach. (Now this is where Greg would pipe in "I was at work!!!") They lasted for an hour, it was awful!! I spoke with my Dr. and she said it was probably gallstones but there wasn't anything she could do till after I had the baby. So i just watched my fatty food intake.....sorta....Ok I didn't!! But I did notice that they occurred more often then not when I ate more fatty food then normal. So last Sunday the 5th I had a doosey of one! It lasted for at least 4 hrs, I was balling, couldn't stand up...everything we went through earlier. It happened again Friday but only for an hour so I called and made an appointment to have it checked out. Friday night it came back so I went into urgent care. They determined that it was gallstones. I had an ultra sound Monday, they found out I had a lot of them and I needed my gallbladder out sooner rather then later! Which brings us back to doe (a little music humor there...remember the song from "The sound of music" doe, a dear a female dear, ray, a drop of golden sun.....yah) I am going in next Tuesday (Oct. 21) to have my Gallbladder removed!


amber said...

i found you!
good luck with your surgery, everything will go wonderfully i'm sure!

Dan and Julianna said...

Ik. Good luck. How can I help? I'll take the kids and bring you dinner if you want... call me!