We had another class Tuesday night where we went over a 2" binder of everything and anything we will need to know. We talked about loan closing and finally got a realistic date of when we can actually start construction! July 15th!! That is about when we are expected to start putting in our 35 hrs a week.
We're thinking about moving up to Graham so we're still looking for apartments. After discovering that to pay what were paying now, we would live in the Ghetto, Greg graciously up'd my rent budget, so that's making life a lot less stressful.
So far we've received another copy of the floor plan, lot #, neighborhood area, the specs for the house, the tool list we're expected to have (can you say Greg's shopping spree?!), an outline of the jobs we're expected to do, and we've signed a TON of papers. We had to sign off on the floor plan, the lot #, the contract with NWHD (labor agreement), the Rural Development agreement, the budget, the specs...I'm sure there was more but that's all I can think of right now. We've gotten a list of our out-of-pocket expenses (which isn't to bad). We made up a schedule of when we're thinking we'll be available to help out and filled out a check list of what we do and don't know how to do, working the saws, electric powered and elbow grease powered, nailing, leveling, lifting...everything that you have to do in order to build a house. A lot of overwhelming information. Luckily Greg has been soaking it in like a sponge so if I don't get something he explains it to me when we get home.
We're excited to get started and even more excited to get it done!!! It's going to be a stressful, busy year! I'll try and be good about keeping you updated once we get started!
We decided to take one last vacation before the craziness starts so Tuesday night we're headed to Utah for a family reunion (on Greg's side). I'll post pics!
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