It's hard to remember instead of goofing off with my kids, I could have to work.
It's hard to remember that instead of having all day to plan and thaw and cook what were having for dinner, I could have to do in in an hour after I got home from work.
Sometimes I get caught up in the day to day.
I get so lost in the laundry that I forget that it's OK to stop and read to my kids.
I get so lost in the daily maintenance that I forget to soak up the Sunshine.
There is a special time in a child's life when all they want to do is go outside. All they want to do is play with their parents.
All they want is for you to stop what you're doing and show them that they are loved, in a way they understand.
There is a time in a parents life when they need to remember to stop, let the dishes be, and set up a monster train track. Put on their silly hats and be a child again. Show your kids that you know what they are talking about, you know how they feel.
Little boys have a very active imagination. I have found that with my 2 little guys, all they want is to be heard, and taken seriously!
All they want is an outlet for what is going on in their extremely active little brains.
I get so caught up in feeling sorry for myself and my lack of ability to keep a neat and tidy house, that I forget that the reason my house isn't neat and tidy is because we live in it.
We have 2 boys who are free to be little boys.
We have 2 boys who are free and encouraged to use their imagination.
We raise our kids with choices and consequences.
My new years resolution this year is to NOT make a resolution. Resolutions get broken. They are never kept. And I think the concept has become lost. I do not have problems I need resolved. I do not have any intent on fixing things about myself. I have a plan.
*I plan to work out when I remember, Not because I need to loose weight, or because I think my hubby would like me more if I were thinner (That's right, like, not love. cuz lets face it, Love is not the problem). He likes my curves, and I kinna do to, but because it's what is going to keep me healthy and happy. It's what my body needs to keep going.
*I plan on enjoying my kids more. Taking time to get to know who they are, and not who I think they are.
*I plan on taking time for me. Taking the time to be a little selfish once in a while, because I can't care for my family if I don't care for myself.
I plan on enjoying time. Time with family, friends, and especially time with my Hubby!
So here's to you and your plans for the new year!
Here's to an enjoyable year that is filled with laughter, smiles and lots of great memories!