Tuesday, March 8, 2011


That's right! You heard me. A Diet!!! I've started a diet.  This is the first "real" diet I've ever done. 
I went Vegetarian while I was in High School for a year but it wasn't with the plan to loose weight. It was simply to be healthier. My mom likes to call it my "Cheeseburger Vegetarian" Diet. .... Because I had a slight problem with McD's Cheeseburgers....in that I couldn't give those up totally. I would go get one about once a month.
This is a diet that I'm doing to loose weight. I've always known I was a little overweight, but when you go to the Dr and she tells you that you've gained 25lbs since your first baby....it doesn't sound too good.  So a diet it is. It's a 7 day diet and it is intense.  It's a soup based diet with a daily schedule as to what you can eat. for soup recipe and full Diet plan go Here

So far I'm on Day 3 and it's going pretty well!

Day 1  is soup and fruit. This one was hard because they don't go together....at all. So I had fruit for breakfast and snacks, and soup for lunch, dinner and when I couldn't eat any more fruit.

Day 2 is soup and veggies. This day was easier because I just added mushrooms, peppers, zucchini to the soup and filled it with all the veggies i planned on eating that day

Day 3 is Soup, fruit, and veggies. This is where I'm at today, and so far it's the best day. I had fruit for breakfast, and am eating the leftover chunky veggie soup. I am also making smoothies all day using, Frozen unsweetened berries, skim milk and unsweetened cranberry juice.  So far so good!

Tomorrow (Day 4) is Bananas and milk...Eat at least 3 bananas and drink as much milk as you can....That's going to be hard because I Strongly dislike eating bananas and drinking milk....I'll keep you posted.

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