Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Little Bunny Foo Foo

A couple days ago Bubba came in telling me he saw a bunny in our backyard.
"A Bunny?!" I thought. It's possible...I guess.
And tonight when I looked out the window to make sure the backyard toys were put away and the boys shoes and socks were not left out, 
(Because they have a knack for putting shoes and socks on to GO outside and then taking them off once they get outside, leaving them to be picked up, hopefully, before bedtime)
I saw it! A Bunny in our backyard!!
I quickly grabbed my camera put on my flip flops and went out back to see if I could be sneaky enough to catch a picture of our new friend.
Once out side I quickly realized that Flip Flops probably weren't the best idea so I took them off and tip toed through the grass to retrieve the shoes and socks snapping pictures as I went.
This is how close I got before he....or she hopped back under the fence.

When I came back in and showed Bubba the pictures he said "Oh THANKS Mom!!!!" and gave me a huge hug! I'm hoping he's not under the impression that I GOT him a bunny....just pictures of the one he saw.

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