Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How is it?!

How is it that no matter how many times you tell them NOT to...They continue to pull the cushions off the chair!?
How is it that after a bazillion time outs, they STILL hit, kick, and scream at each other?!
How is it that after screaming and fighting all day long they still find the energy to fight, like their life depended on it, Bed time.
How is it that 2 people so small can make something so simple as making Mac and Cheese take an entire hour!?!
How is it that they can go from playing and reading so nicely together and in a fraction of a second be screaming and trying to kill each other?!
How is it that 2 little boys can such a huge mess in such a short amount of time?!
And after all that......
How is it that they are still so stinkin cute?!

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