Monday, January 31, 2011

Quest Part ll

I was doing a little past blog reading and came across an old post titled Quest It was very inspiring.
I spoke of goals. Goals like Loving my Body, Having no Regrets, accepting my faults, and Stepping out.
So here's some follow up:

Loving my Body - Good news, Since March 31, 2009, I have not gained any weight! I'm only 7lbs away from being pre Bear, 15lbs away from pre Bubba and 25 from Married age! Not bad...I think.  We found an elliptical off Craigslist so hopefully working on getting healthier will be easier. We've been buying more fresh foods and working on portion control. Working on Loving my body the way my husband does...It's a work in progress
Have no Regrets - Well, I talked about auditioning for the National Anthem at a Rainier's game, I did not make it. But I'm OK with it! Why?! Because I tried, And that's what I've been working on. Trying new things. Jumping out there and having no fears. The past is the past and it will stay that way. I'm all about trying new things now! I tried Curried Goat a couple weeks ago and WOW!! SO Good!! If you ever have a chance to try Curried Goat, DO IT!!! So good!
Accepting my faults - DONE! Since we've moved into our house, there is still a pile of clothes waiting to be washed, but the folding and putting away is a lot easier so that pile is significantly smaller (Smaller, not totally gone, although some days it is GONE!) The dishes don't pile up like they used to, the bedrooms stay cleaner, the bathrooms are cleaner. Life is better! I find that my faults don't nag at me like they used to. It is easier to accept who I am.
Stepping Out - Moving really helps this! I've made lots of new friends and am really beginning to feel apart of our new ward at our Church. We've moved twice since my original Quest post, and Wow! When you are used to living near family, and then move away. Wow! It has really forced me to step outside of where I'm comfortable and be Me, and not be afraid to be me. It has made me stick my hand out and say "Hi! I'm new. I want to be your friend" (No, I did not actually say that to people) It has helped me do things I normally wouldn't. I am feeling really good about this one!

All in all I think I'm doing really well! I said that I would take as long as I need, and I really feel like I'm making progress. . . . . . That's all!

1 comment:

Rice Family said...

I love your idea of a quest. My friend just blogged about being okay with living life in a messy real way ... check it out. She is an amazing writer!

Love you!