Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Diet

If you are wondering what I'm talking about because you've missed my last couple of posts, feel free to scroll down to catch up...............It's ok....I'll wait.................................................................................................
Done?! Good! 
I guess you could just go Here but that's ok because now your caught up on our life too! ;)
 So the diet!  Yesterday was the last day! Beef and veggies until full, with the soup!  The last 2 days were the absolute hardest! I thought it was going to be day 4, which is bananas and milk, and just happened to be Bubba's birthday, but the last 2 days I was tired of eating soup and was beginning to be tempted by everything. But I made it! I made it a full 7 days with out Cheating! I stuck right to the diet!!  I Lost 4 lbs. which is 4 lbs I didn't have before but seeing as how my sister in law lost 8, my mother in law lost 10 and everyone on the website stated that they lost anywhere from 7-15 lbs, my 4 is kind of discouraging, especially since 1/2 way through the week I gained 2 back...? But then lost them again. I don't know.
Our scale isn't very reliable so that could be the problem.   However 153 sounds a lot better than 157 right?!

So here's my plan.
1 - Never do that diet again.
2 - Have a boiled egg, a piece of whole grain, and glass of milk or juice for breakfast
3 - Work out for a MIN of 30 mins every morning, I figure I can do this because Greg doesn't have to leave for school or work till at least 8.
4 - Portion control!!!!
5 - If I'm craving something sweet, have 1 or 2 bites.
6 - Don't eat past 8:30pm

All healthier eating/living habits I wasn't doing before. I have a goal, it's tapped to my elliptical, which I cleaned off and pulled out. It seems Girly and Vein but I don't care, THIS is my goal! If I can make it down to 135, I'll even take 140. I'm going to buy myself that swimsuit!
So Here's weight loss and having a "Summer body" but more importantly, a healthier mee!!!!


Alainna Beus said...

How exciting! It's fun to set goals and feel all motivated and then start to see results!

I'll be right there with you in 4 months or so...right now I'm GAINING weight - Doctor's orders :)

Good luck!

danibentz said...

i wanna see a picture of 'that swimsuit'. i need to go on a diet again...i gained back the five pounds i no sugar or flour for the next two weeks...and no eating after 8. i will let you know how it goes...i dont have any more blood checks for a while, so i figured i dont have to eat healthy for the next two weeks...haha...what a terrible way to diet.

oh and have an amazing time on your vacation!!! i told lucas he should take tips from greg. lol

Carly said...

you have to read eat to live. :)